Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stifled by Education ? (Thing 16)

I was more impressed by the second video than the first, although I think the first deserves a response...

While I agree that education is too lecture-paper-test-driven, I believe there is still a place for those things...even for those who may not enjoy them so much.
No matter what, we all still need to develop abilities in listening, processing, and written expression. At the same time, we do need to find ways to reach our students where they are, and to develop latent, but valid talents they may have.

The second, a talk by Mr. Robinson from the TED, was quite engaging and stimulating. He's quite right, although I would say the same in response. Our primary job is not to create university professors...but we should still teach and prepare those who will be. The important thing to remember is that "school is not all of life"-- there's much more out there.

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