Friday, February 6, 2009

Podcasts (Thing 14)

There are great possibilities for this one. Not only are they free, which is very attractive from a budgeting standpoint, but they are so portable and impossible to destroy. I can see many of the non-to-poor readers consuming a podcast (or three) before they would ever make it through a reading assignment.

I found these podcasts on on-line safety/ predators quite well done, and relevant to every student who uses social networking sites, especially:

I also was drawn to sites which feature oral storytelling, such as griddlecakes
or particularly "This American Life," (NPR) which is very well done, although not all content is well-suited for "kids."

It's my opinion that the art of storytelling (and public speaking in general) is not really being taught...and is a vital skill for both career succes and relationship.

1 comment:

  1. I started typing notes right away and thinking of ideas for how student created pod casts could be a great way to get some of the LD kids involved. You think of using this?
    I liked the man's view on pregnancy cast... I'm past that stage, but it is funny how the social rules change during pregnancy. :-)
    I'm on number 14 today as well, feeling a little stressed by time, but I think I will make it. Hang in there!
