Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Social bookmarking (Thing 19)

Feels a bit like the cart before the I've yet to start "social bookmarking." ("social" definitely seems to be the defining characteristic of Web 2.0...although I still wonder how "social" it really is...)

I'm keen to get started, however, as this may get me closer to the tool or application I'm that will synthesize and streamline life, work, on-line resources and interests, etc.
My brother (who's much more in the world of computers than I am) were discussing this very thing last night...and his take is that we still haven't "arrived" at synthesis this year's best or favorite tools will likely become obsolete within a few years. He's probably right.

In the meantime, however, we can tag, which seems helpful and relatively painless. I especially like the fact that social bookmarking sites are not limited to one computer. This should be very helpful to me, especially as we will likely soon be moving to a place with a fairly high rate of crime, and concerns about having laptops stolen, etc.

I understand all the emphasis on good tagging, as being thoughtful on the front end will make using social bookmarking much easier and more helpful in the long run. Being logical and balanced in tagging will also, hopefully, make us more helpful to others (and less of a target?)
who see and view our tags.

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