Monday, January 12, 2009

Life-long learning...(Thing 3) about a shopworn phrase! Not that I disagree with the idea of "life-long learning...but it's a bit hard to imagine someone who is not a "life-long learner" (at least at some level). I suppose the notion of life-long learning is meant to get at a person's: a) attitude toward learning and b) tendencies to seek (voluntary?) learning opportunities. Anyway, on to the question at hand...

"Beginning with the end in mind,""accepting responsibility for own learning," and "creating my own learning toolbox" are all things that I do rather instinctively, I well as teaching others, which is both my habit and my job. I do not always see problems as "challenges," however, nor do I use technology to my advantage. While I often do not possess the latest technology, I certainly do not make the most of what I have either. These two in particular, as well as giving myself time, space, and occasion to "play" will need to change for me to grow in the area of using Web 2.0.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually thing three...forgot the bit about labeling over the break!
